Why In the Mess was created?
People often ask me: why did you create In the Mess? I usually start with sharing how much I love helping people, packing/unpacking, and finding creative solutions for how to organize things. And the deeper reason why I started In the Mess is:
to help people find freedom.
In our modern society, we often are consumed by information, busy schedules, chaos and a lot of mess. We run in and out of our lives, from one thing to the next, and often it isn’t until something happens that we take a minute to slow down.
I want to intercept people before they’re forced to stop, and help them see all the ways they can live fully in their present lives.
At In the Mess, we are here to help declutter, organize, create lastly systems AND (hopefully):
Help people live more how they want
Create solutions that allow them to be more present in their lives
Encourage them to live as themselves
We don’t just want to help organize things, we want to help people organize so they can live life without mess getting in the way.